

Throughout the Bible, we are commanded to communicate with the God of Heaven who created us.  Throughout Scripture, we are told to pray, how to pray, when to pray, what may hinder our prayers, and even how not to pray .  With this Holy focus on communication, we would be unwise to leave this wonderful and powerful opportunity for blessing out of our tools for daily living. 

Jesus says in Mark 11:17, “Is it not written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations’?”

Prayer is our opportunity to tell the God of the Universe what is on our minds while His Holy word tells us what is on His mind.  He cares for us deeply and wants to spend time in fellowship with us.  He will not normally, however, force us to pray (see the story of the Apostle Paul).  Our life is fuller and more enriched when we have a continuous dialogue with the Lord of our lives.  The dialogue with God involves spending time reading, studying, and applying His Holy Word to our everyday lives.  It gives each of us so much more to discuss with Him and gives His Precious Holy Spirit more to use in leading and guiding us into all truth.

Let us spend quality time in the Word of God and in prayer!  Our lives will be much more fulfilling when we do!