Oh Give Thanks!
Psalm 136:1 (NIV)
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever.
We are in the month of November–a month wherein we celebrate one of the most celebrated holidays of the year “Thanksgiving”.
2020 has been a year like we have not seen in our lifetime. The scripture I chose says “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever.”
You may ask what do I have to give thanks for? Perhaps you have suffered much this year. Loss of loved ones, sick with the Coronavirus or some other illness, loss of child, spouse, relative who you didn’t get to say a proper goodbye; loss of a job, loss of a relationship, and attending your places of worship, and on and on. “What do I have to give thanks for in 2020”? We can find treasures and new opportunities through life’s interruptions.
Perhaps you have not suffered any losses–things were great for you, do you still take time to give thanks and are you full of gratitude?
A heart of Gratitude has a way of shifting our thoughts and attitudes. No matter how bad things were or are, it could always be worst! No matter how good things are, we still should say thanks and be grateful!
If you have suffered losses, there is still hope and you can be grateful for what you have left.
Think of what you do have left; still have family, have the education and/or experience to obtain another job; have doctors and medicine to help with illnesses; have family and others who love and support you, and most of all, have our Faith and Hope in our God who never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5)! Think about what you could have that you do not have like a terminal illness, etc. Give thanks!
God is faithful and we are grateful! I share this poem for you to reflect on and to make it a part of you daily life of living in Gratitude!